As you may not know, King Hrothgar had called me to the land of the Danes because monsters were terrorizing the country, and my name had gotten around to him that I could defeat those evil things and save the kingdom and let them know that they will be safe!
I got word about Grendel and I knew that my time had arrived. I was very anxious but yet excited because Grendel had been messing around and torturing these innocent people way to long and he deserved to be gone away with. I took fourteen of my best, most bravest, and courageous men to the Heorot Hall. Those guys had a heart, even though those men knew that they were putting there life’s at sake, they still went, because they knew that once that terrible monster was destroyed it shall leave the kingdom at peace and a safe environment.
Grendel entered the Heorot Hall and was ready to fight, and what he didn’t know, is that so are we! It was a hard, gory, and long battle. Nothing we could find or do would kill him, it was as if he was invincible in some kind of way? None of my men’s swords could tear through his hard and evil skin which led to Grendel having the advantage to kill several of my men, in which we had expected. It was an everlasting battle it seemed, nothing could dare to destroy him until I got that one chance. I had just enough time to grab him and tear off his arm. Ohhhhhh was it so delightful to know that I had defeated my first monster and I had the arm of it to?! Now let it be known that I shall not be defeated and no one should try to cross my boundaries because I am the strongest, most courageous, bravest, and most of all indestructible, man of them all!