King Hrothgar decided to throw me a party for killing that horrid, physco, demented, monster that put our country through such horrific times. We were having a glorious time at the Herot Hall until that monster, that monster that was here for revenge, came about.
It was Grendel’s mother, she was yearning to get back at me for killing her son, and this was her plan to make me regret for doing such a thing to her (what she thought) wonderful son.
Before I knew it, Heorot was destroyed, the wonderful wood designs were no longer about, they were burnt to crisp and spread throughout, smoke was everywhere, and everything was one big blur. I defiantly did NOT like what I saw, and surely the people didn’t either. And not only that, that loser decided to kill not only a warrior, but Aeschere, my most confided warrior at that and King Hrothgar’s closet advisor. Therefore, that was two very big boundary line she had crossed and that made me want revenge on her. She had no business doing that to us, even though she did have a frenzy of grief and rage, that still should not have gave her the advantage to do such thing to us, and she shall repay.
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Amazing!! really helped with my homework thank-you XXX